Peloton Digital effective cost update
It’s been a year since my post about my DIY Pelton where, six months after purchase my Peloton Digital setup, I hit the inflection point where my setup became more cost-efficient than the extreme luxury option of a premium spin studio + ride-share transportation. I don’t ride that bike as often as I’d like, but a year ago I projected a once a week Peloton ride taking the effective Cost per ride of a home setup below $30 per class. A year later, here’s what happened:

Predicted vs Actual
Not surprisingly, August 2018 to August 2019 has seen motivation and health issues cause me not to get many rides in. I’m only at 35 total rides and as a result, the effective Cost per Ride (CpR) of my DIY peloton is now $29.84 as opposed to the $15 I would have hit if I was riding weekly. As a result, for my investment in the bike and Peloton Digital subscription I am now under the cost of buying Soul Cycle classes individually. But I’ve got a while to go before I have significant cost savings.
The time savings however, and the flexibility of a home setup for something as simple as a spin bike has been great. In the last year, Peloton added other class types that are not large exercise equipment dependent. So far, I have only tried the Yoga, but if I can find the space and time I might try strength training. The only thing that will drive this Peloton digital subscription to be better is if I use it more. ;P