Dungeon23 Challenge - Shadowdark - Barrow Mounds
I needed another first level dungeon for our open table game of Shadowdark. I turned once again to the random generator in the back of the Shadowdark core book (which just won an Ennie! Congrats Arcane Library!)
The randomly rolled prompts were: “Steal the | Relic | Under the Barrow Mounds” and “Shrine of the | Enchanted | Ghost” |
Given that we had some ghost issues in the pat game, this got some ideas flowing. We’ll add some barrow mounds outside the starting town where the elite are buried. Below we’ll have a shrine or relic that allows communing with ghosts. Did the technique where I randomly rolled
I’ll wait to publish this blog until I’ve actually run the game.
- Prompt: Shadowdark random tables
- Art: Free hand, Isometric, skullfungus stye recessed style
- Techniques: shading markers

The shrine beneath the barrow mounds
To utilize the dungeon at the table, I spent a bit of time with a ruler and triangle putting down an isometric grid on my 25” by 30” post-it easlepad paper. Flipping a second gridded sheet over to the non-gridded side I then trace out the dungeon and go to work adding detail. This style emulates the work of skullfungus (https://skullfungus.itch.io/) who in my opinion makes very table readible maps.

Poster map isometric