Dungeon23 Challenge - Shadowdark - Noble's basement

Dungeon23 Challenge - Shadowdark - Noble's basement

Aug 08, 2024    

I stopped updating my #dungeon23 journal in April of 2023, which is okay. Part of picking up the challenge was making it okay to fail. I picked up some new skills and tried out some new styles. I added a few sketches to the journal over the rest of 2023, but no more dungeon extensions to the wacky megadungeon project. This week (end of July 2024) I needed to prep a 1st level adventure for an open table Shadowdark campaign where we might need a second dungeon. Using the rules in the back of the the Shadowdark book I made a randomized set of rooms and made the equivalent of a one-room-dungeon.

I’ll wait to publish this blog until I’ve actually run the game.

  • Prompt: Shadowdark Map Random Tables
  • Art: Top Down
  • Techniques: shading markers
map of noble's sunken basement
The sunken basement of a noble, overrun with monsters

Rolling random encounters, treasure, and potions I decided the story of the dungeon is that the characters are sent here to obtain blackmail material against a corrupt noble in the starting town. The actual game prep looks like this when all put together:

table scale prep
Table scale prep with scatter terrain
pic of open table players
Players going through the dungeon from our Open Table meetup. One player is suffering from a sleep spell