Dungeon23 Challenge - Tomb of Death
Map 2 of the #dungeon23 challenge. I’m cranking thse out pretty quickly to catch up.
- Prompt: Death
- Art: isometric with a quick illustration
- Techniques: chatgpt, social encounter, secret door, mini bin for inspiration, environmental puzzle solution
I used this page as an opportunity to work on decriptive text, assisted a bit by ChatGPT as an experiment. After listening to a Seth Skorkosky video about making sure encounters can start with negotiation rather than assuming combat, I took on the challenge to make sure the death knight encounter wasn’t immediately combat.
Tomb of Death Map
I tried to build in prompts and puzzles with more than one solution. To get past the corpse golem the players can have the prisoner pull the chain through the bars so that multiple players can immobilize it by pulling on a loop. They could melt the monster with the skeletonizing chemicals in the next room. As the monster can’t approach them farther than the length of the chain they have all the time in the world to interact and figure out a safe solution.
page description and illustration