Inner Sea - Chapter 4 - Crater Island
Spoilers for Lost Laboratory of Kwalish Ahead
Spoilers for Call from the Deep Ahead
Chapter 4 of the Inner Sea campaign covered Sessions 25 through 38 and saw the party go from level 5 to 7. I used this chapter to spend time on Crater Island and its main city Free Port Springs and also to introduce larger world elements that would play out in Chapters 5 and 6 . Along the way, I snuck in an adapted run of âThe Lost Laboratory of Kwalishâ

Crater Island saw major exploration in Chapter 4
Free Port Springs takes the place of Neverwinter in âCall from the Deepâ and the players start Chapter 3 knowing that itâs next on the hit list of the Black Fleet and Kraken society. Free Port Springs is also home to the scholarly institution theyâve aided known as the Cartographers. A lead from Isabella Stone of the Cartographers points them in the direction of an archeologist and cult researcher known as Keros who was last seen mounting an investigation into the shallows town of Coral.
In this world, the Shallows is the term for the society that lives in shallow water. Coral is an example of a town that has a permanent magical air bubble powered by an artifact. When the party arrives they are being attacked by Reavers, a faction that will become important in the next chapter.
Following clues at Coral, the party proceeds to a volcanic island that hides the Monastery of the Distressed Body. This 1st edition throwback adventure is taken right from âThe Lost Laboratory of Kwalishâ from D&D Beyond which I enjoyed adapting into 3D art.

Everything is more dramatic when you put it inside a volcano
From their fight with the Grand Master of the Monastery, the party recovers several âbrain in a jarâ NPCs including their lost researcher Keros. Returning to Free Port Springs they find Captain Tholiver Green acting interdicting ships arriving searching for infiltrators of the Black Fleet or those infected with the mind-controlling âmisty eyeâ from Chapter 2.

Homebrew sometimes means searching for inspiration. Tholiver Green's token art was based on Sergio Calvo Miniatures paints on Facebook
The party suspects they have time to kill before the Black Fleet arrives for a second âdefend the cityâ showpiece battle but first they can connect Keros to Cartographerâs research library and he discovers this passage about the Kraken society:
The Kraken Society was last cataloged by a researcher 25 years ago. They meet by the Purple Rocks on Swamp Island.
Sadly, weâd never follow up on this clue as the campaign would end. Back at Free Port Springs, the party took stock of remaining quest hooks and decided to take a paid mission to escort Fire monks to a monastery through the jungles of Crater Island. There theyâd discover more of the history of the world - connecting the Reavers to the events directly after the flood, and getting a better understanding of the enigmatic deities of the post-flood world. Importantly at the fire monastery, the characters would learn that the Reavers are constructing something on the island.

After several 3D preps, going back to Drummo's Epic Isometric tiles matched the lower key story beat.
The party learned the following important world secrets:
- There was a climactic battle on the surface after the flood with the âSea Peoplesâ, and armies of the four storms (the 4 major storm deities)
- The Rift Monks see themselves as an inevitable and mostly neutral force in the universe. Reborn like the phoenix when destiny calls
- Before the flood, the Gods were killed by outer-planar beings, possibly for breaking the code amongst immortals.
Returning to Free Port Springs, we jump into another setpiece epic battle to defend the city. We meet a new villain Bartholomew Blackdagger, who now captains a ghostly version of PC Knucklebones Jonnyâs old ship the Reliant.

The ghost Reliant attacks the cemetery to raise an army of the undead. A Fireball explodes!
In the multi-part battle, the party discovers that the attackersâ goal is something in the basement of the Cartographerâs Cathedral of Knowledge. Thatâs a pretty big spoiler for Call from the Deep so I wonât go into too much detail, but it was the most intense 3D map Iâve made and the most advanced use of new features in Foundry VTTâs grapejuice isometrics plugin.

This cathedral set pushed the limits of Foundry VTT. I'm proud of it, but it burnt me out.
Chapter 4 comes to a close with a Pirated Council to decide how the Pirates of the Code will respond to these attacks from the Black Fleet and Kraken Society. Chapter 5 would be the last chapter of the campaign before I had to admit I was burnt out from 2 years of high prep games and nonstop Zoom calls. Iâm glad I backed up the entire environment in Foundry, but Iâm realizing now I need to archive higher-resolution copies of the encounters in-engine. My Instagram screenshots donât do them justice.
At this point, the world holds together as a more immersive and cohesive place than the average WOTC adventure, but Iâm falling into some bad habits of too much of the story and world-building occurring in my head. Ideally, the story of the game is emergent from what happens at the table. One of the consequences of this high-prep style is that I have to start prep for the set piece battles months before the game occurs, which locks the story into a path. Thatâs part of the social contract with players when you let them know the campaign pulls heavily from a mega-book like Call from the Deep or a published WOTC 5e campaign.
Continue to Chapter 5 - read here